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American Exceptionalism and George H.W. Bush 41

(The American Dossier-By John Katz,Editor)

There are times in history that are like still photos that stay implanted in one’s memory. Much like getting a drivers license or graduating from High school.

The first election I remember when I was of almost voting age was in 1988. It occurred 4 days before my birthday, I was bummed out that I could not vote. It was my freshman year of college very much an Indian summer. All the crave that summer was the movie Moonstruck which starred Olivia Dukakis and her Presidential contender cousin Michael. Who was running as a Democrat.

It was also a time which unlike today there were 3 networks and not enough press coverage. So often things were under reported.

In retrospect the political climate at the time was somewhat like 2016 in that the Dems were the ones with a populist contender. However, as the results came in election night was quite clear that the country wanted someone who could lead in the footsteps of the Great Communicator President Ronald Reagan. It was an election based on family values and moral principle and no one was ashamed to express their patriotism and American exceptionalism.

There are three principles come to mind when I think of the character that George Bush embodied…. heroism, decency and commitment to a higher purpose. He not only embodied these these principles he lived them not only as WW II Hero and Civil servant but as Husband, father, and friend. Beyond the political achievements and historic accolades, President Bush was committed most to his family and his faith. He and his beloved Barbara poured their love into their children and raised them in faith not in tyranny.

This embodies what American Exceptionalism means.

If there ever were Ying to Ronald Reagans Yang it would be George Bush. It takes a strong person on lead and a humble mind to monitor one’s ego. He was that rare politician who possessed such integrity, honor and good humor that he was embraced and respected by Americans of all political parties and persuasions.

In closing a lesson for all us regardless of political party, As embodied from his 1989 Inaugural address:

"There is, but one just use of power and it is to serve people," Bush said that day Here is the full text of Bush's Inaugural Prayer:

Heavenly father, we bow our heads and thank you for your love. Make us strong to do your work, willing to heed and hear your will and write on our heart these words: use power to help people. For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is, but one just use of power and it is to serve people. Help us remember, Lord, Amen.


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