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American Farmers give stamp of Approval to Trump trade deal

-Source-The Washington Times-

The Trump administration’s new three-way trade deal to replace NAFTA got a thumbs-up from American farmers.

Americans for Farmers & Families spokesman Casey Guernsey, a seventh-generation farmer, said the three-way deal showed Mr. Trump remembered his promise “to stand up for rural America.”

“After years of declining income and months of trade uncertainty, farmers desperately needed a win, and today the Trump administration delivered it,” he said. “While eager to learn the details, I hope that Congress will use this positive momentum to bring this important agreement over the finish line.”

Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican, said the agreement looked “very favorable” to American and Iowa agriculture.

“Pres Trump’s tough negotiation position may [be] paying off,” Mr. Grassley tweeted.

He said he would let voters know if his positive view of the deal changes after a more thorough review of the details. Read more



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