A huge weed that can cause third-degree burns and even blindness has been found in Virginia. Officials in Isle of Wight County, in eastern Virginia near Norfolk and Newport News, posted a warning on Facebook about the invasive plant, which can grow to almost 15 feet.
The Virginia Department of Transportation also reported sightings of the Giant Hogweed in nearby Middlesex County and in Frederick County, which is part of the department's Staunton region, according to Richmond TV station WRIC.
According to the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation, the plant can grow anywhere between 8 to 14 feet tall when it's flowering. If the plant is in bloom, the numerous white flowers will cluster into a flat-topped "umbrella."
The leaves can be up to five feet across and the stem, which contains a toxic sap, is hollow and rigid, and has purple blotches and coarse white hairs near its base.
Isle of Wight County officials say complications of contact with a Giant Hogweed include blisters as well as phytophotodermatitis, which occurs when the sap makes the skin so sensitive to sunlight that severe burns can occur from normal exposure to the sun, a condition that can last many years. Read more