(The Sun)
BORIS Johnson's allies have warned Britain faces LA-style riots if Brexit is reversed.
A senior cabinet minister last night said the country risked a "violent, popular uprising" if a second referendum overturned the original result.
The Prime Minister's senior allies warned the UK faces civil unrest on the scale of the yellow vest protests in France over economic inequalities and Los Angeles riots in 1992.
Mr Johnson said "tempers need to come down" in the furious row over political language - but insisted he won't stop using the word "surrender".
Despite his appeal for calm, a cabinet minister told The Times: “In this country we never had the gilets jaunes [yellow vests] or the LA riots [in 1992].
“People don’t think it’s possible in this country just because it has not happened before.
“Now they have a model — gilets jaunes — they have encrypted phones to co-ordinate it, and it only takes a couple of nasty populist frontmen to inspire people.”
Riots in erupted in Los Angeles after a jury acquitted four white police officers for beating up a black taxi driver Rodney King in 1992.
Earlier this year, anti-government French protesters wearing yellow high visibility vests - gilet jaunes have been wrought havoc and destruction on the streets of Paris for more than six weeks.