(The Washington Times)
WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning said Thursday that she anticipates being jailed as a result of refusing to testify before a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia.
Manning, a 31-year-old former Army intelligence analyst, said that he declined to answer questions from federal prosecutors this week about his disclosures to WikiLeaks, a website published by Australian-born activist Julian Assange. A judge will decide Friday whether to find him in contempt.
“Yesterday, I appeared before a secret grand jury after being given immunity for my testimony. All of the substantive questions pertained to my disclosures of information to the public in 2010—answers I provided in extensive testimony, during my court-martial in 2013,” Manning said in a statement.
Manning responded to each question with the same statement, he said: “I object to the question and refuse to answer on the grounds that the question is in violation of my First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendment and other statutory rights.” Read more