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Elizabeth Warren Left Shaken After Dozens Of Protesters Storm Her Rally At HBCU

(Daily Mail)

Katelyn Caralle November 21, 2019

Dozens of protesters interrupted Elizabeth Warren's campaign rally at Clark University in Atlanta, Georgia the night after the debate, causing supporters in attendance to counter with chants of their own.

The protesters, nearly all black men and women, were all wearing matching black shirts with white lettering that read: 'Powerful Parent Network.'

About five minutes into her stump speech, the group began stomping their feet rhythmically on the gymnasium risers in the L.S. Epps Gymnasium at the historically black university.

They then began recited several chants, including: 'We want to be heard.'

This prompted the hundreds of others attending the rally in support of Warren to chant back, 'Let her speak.'

Warren gave up trying to speak over the shouting and appeared to want to wait it out.

When she was able to continue her speech after a few minutes of protest, the demonstrators persisted.

Finally, freshman Representative Ayanna Pressley, a black congresswoman for Massachusetts who has endorsed Warren and introduced the candidate a few minutes earlier, came back on stage to attempt to silence the protesters. 



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