(CBS News)
Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Kabir Khanna, Fred Backus Sept. 9, 2019 9:40 AM
This poll tells a story of Elizabeth Warren rising. But not Joe Biden falling.
The former vice president now clings to a narrow lead over Warren in the CBS News/YouGov Tracker estimate of convention delegates — the only count that ultimately matters — with an estimated 600 delegates of all delegates available through Super Tuesday, to Warren's 545.
Warren has gained delegate share as supporters of other, lower-tier candidates have been switching their preferences toward her.
Bernie Sanders rounds out the top tier of candidates with 286 delegates in a race that has tightened substantially over the summer. Biden's position is helped by amassing enough delegates from South Carolina and other Southern states, as well as consistently strong showings elsewhere to keep him up in the overall delegate standings — albeit not by much.
State by state in vote preference, New Hampshire now sees Warren just slightly up over Biden and Sanders in first-choice preference there, effectively making the primary there a three-way contest. Biden holds onto a small edge over Sanders in first-choice preference in Iowa to go with that still-sizable advantage in South Carolina. Meanwhile, Sanders has a narrow edge over Biden in Nevada. (Note: Only candidates with more than 2% support are shown in the graphics below.)