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Longtime Schumer Spox Left After Inappropriate Behavior


MARIANNE LEVINE 02/01/2019 11:37 PM

Matt House, a longtime communications director for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), was forced to leave after inappropriate conduct with his colleagues, according to a Schumer spokesperson.

"Upon learning that he had inappropriate encounters within the office and that it was making some uncomfortable, he was asked to leave," the spokesperson said in a statement.

The Huffington Post was first to report the circumstances under which House left Schumer's office in November. According to the Huffington Post, House had "inappropriate sexual encounters" with younger staffers.

"I deeply regret the mistakes I made on the number of occasions when I had too much to drink, and I apologize to anyone who was affected by my behavior," House said in a statement to POLITICO. "I have always respected all of my colleagues and I was horrified to learn that I made anyone feel uncomfortable. In the past three months, I've stopped drinking and I’ve committed to making myself a better colleague and person.”



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