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Most Americans would fail U.S. citizenship test

-Source-The Washington Times-

It’s probably lucky that most Americans are granted citizenship at birth — a new study suggests they wouldn’t be able to pass the citizenship test if they had to.

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation conducted a multiple-choice poll using questions roughly based on the test administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and found a shocking lack of knowledge.

Just 13 percent could identify 1787 as the year the Constitution was written. Most appeared to mistake it for the 1776 Declaration of Independence, although two-thirds were able to identify Thomas Jefferson as the principal author.

Among the other founders, more people said Benjamin Franklin invented the light bulb than were able to properly place him as the key diplomat who helped rope the French into the Revolutionary War,

Passing the citizenship test requires a score of at least 60 percent.

The foundation said just 36 percent of the 1,000 citizens they surveyed achieved that score. Read more


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