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NASA Announce City-Killing Asteroid Could Hit Earth On May 6, 2022


Set the date: on May 6, 2022, Earth could face its demise from a ginormous, continent-flattening asteroid.

Yeah, I know you’re rolling your eyes – another day, another killer asteroid. You’ll probably be thinking: ‘This is just paranoid riffraff.’

Well… it is, really. However, there is actually a dangerous lump of space rock barrelling towards us, and there is a (hilariously) small chance it could wallop our planet.

Let me introduce you to JF1. He’s chunky, dangerous and you best believe he’s coming.

NASA first discovered the asteroid back in 2009. Over the past decade, the space agency’s automated asteroid watching system – known as Sentry – has been tasked with keeping an eye on it. Read more

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