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Partisan Politics On The Rise?

(Real Clear Politics)

Intolerance of the other political party has become a hallmark of civic life in the United States. But speculation ranges widely about the causes and cures.

The left blames President Trump and those who voted for him. The right points the finger at a hostile media and arrogant political elites. Both sides exculpate themselves.

In an online article at The Atlantic, Amanda Ripley, Rekha Tenjarla, and Angela Y. He review some of the research, which shows partisan prejudice in the country afflicts both sides and is on the rise. “For example, parents are less likely to vaccinate their children when the other party’s president is in the White House,” the authors report. And “[r]egardless of who is in power, mutual-fund managers are more likely to invest in funds handled by fellow partisans, a bias that does not lead to better returns.”

Worse than the damage partisan prejudice inflicts on health care and prosperity is its transformation of political opponents into enemies of the state: Americans “are more and more convinced that the other side poses a threat to the country.”

But, as the authors assert in “The Geography of Partisan Prejudice,” intolerance of political differences is not evenly distributed throughout the nation. A PredictWise poll commissioned by The Atlantic produced results — based, it should be said, on a combination of data and aggressive extrapolation Read more


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