-Source-Western Journal-

The Pentagon confirmed on Tuesday that two packages addressed to individuals inside the Department of Defense headquarters showed signs of containing a deadly poison.
According to Military Times, multiple Pentagon sources released initial statements, though details were sparse as the suspicious packages underwent additional examination.
“It’s suspected to be ricin,” said Pengaton spokesman Chris Sherwood, declining to reveal the packages’ addressee.
The toxic substance is formed from a castor bean extract and can be weaponized to form a deadly compound. Symptoms of ricin poisoning include nausea, internal bleeding and organ failure.
CNN correspondent Diane Gallagher updated her initial tweets on the breaking news by identifying the intended recipients of the potentially fatal substance.
There were TWO suspicious envelopes found in the Pentagon mail yesterday, initially tested positive for ricin, according to a US defense official.
All US Postal mail delivered to the Pentagon on Monday is now under quarantine.
Dianne Gallagher
The two suspicious envelopes that initially tested positive for Ricin were addressed to Secretary of Defense James Mattis and to Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, according to a US defense official
1:02 PM - Oct 2, 2018
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“The two suspicious envelopes that initially tested positive for Ricin were addressed to Secretary of Defense James Mattis and to Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, according to a US defense official,” she wrote. Read more