(Common Dreams)

In response to the Senate voting to pass S.J.Res. 54, legislation to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, Paul Kawika Martin, Peace Action’s Senior Director for Policy and Political Affairs, released the following statement:
“In a historic vote, over the Trump administration’s strong objection, the Senate just directed President Trump to withdraw U.S. military support for the war in Yemen. U.S. support for the war has given the Saudi-led coalition both the material support and the political cover it has needed to sustain its brutal campaign in Yemen. This vote immediately diminishes U.S. political support for the war and puts more pressure on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to end their brutal tactics and negotiate an end to the war. As the Saudi-led coalition would struggle to sustain the war effort without U.S. support, congressional action leading up to this extraordinary vote may well have contributed to the progress in negotiations in Sweden where the parties to the war just agreed to a ceasefire in and around Hodeidah, a key port city for the delivery of humanitarian aid. Beyond its significance for the people of Yemen, by successfully invoking the War Powers Act, this vote also heralds the beginning of the end of Congress’ abdication of its war powers after nearly two decades of endless war with no meaningful oversight from Congress.
“The Trump administration needs to listen to the growing bipartisan consensus in Congress that U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen must end without delay. Read more