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South Carolina 2020 Poll: Biden Leads Primary Field By Wide Margin; Trump Popular with Base

(Emerson Polling)

March 2, 2019

One year out from the South Carolina primary, former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders are the only two candidates to reach double digits in the Democratic Primary for President. Biden leads with 37% of the vote, followed by Sanders with 21%. Kamala Harris comes in third with 9%, Cory Booker has 6%, while Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren both receive 5%.  The poll was conducted February 28-March 2, 2019, n=291, +/-5.7%.

In the 18-34 age bracket, Sanders claims 40% of the vote, followed by 23% for Biden, and 9% for Harris. Among 35-54 year olds, 36% support Biden, 15% Sanders, and Harris and O’Rourke have 6%. 47% of 55-74 years olds support Biden, 14% support Harris and 13% support Sanders. Biden has his strongest support among those over the age of 75 with 64% supporting him, followed by Harris 9%, and Booker at 8%.

It appears Harris has some work to do in South Carolina, particularly within the African American community. Among African American Democratic primary voters Biden leads with 43% of the vote, Sanders captures 15% of this vote with Harris at 9% and Booker at 7%. On the issue of reparations for African Americans, 31% of respondents agree with the policy while 46% disagree. But, Professor Spencer Kimball says “this issue is not helping Harris with South Carolina Democratic primary voters; while 79% of them support reparations, they are breaking for Biden nearly 4:1.”

Statewide, President Trump has a positive approval rating of 50% with a disapproval of 44% (n=755, =/-3.5%). In a potential Republican primary against Bill Weld he leads 90% to 10% (n=380, +/-5.1%).



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