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The Power of prayer in Politics-Part 1

-Source By-John Katz-Editor,The American Dossier

October 15, 2018

Source-The American Dossier, John Katz- Editor

This week we have witnessed the triumph  and power of prayer in the release of  Pastor  Brunson. We’ve all heard of the theory of six degrees of separation ( or Kevin Bacon…)  This week I share a story of six degrees of Pastor Brunson.

About 20 years ago I worked a political campaign in the Philadelphia  Suburbs.  The candidate came from a very Christian upbringing and surrounded himself with a  very unusual and diversified team that you would not think would be involved in politics.

It was here that I met  Pastor Bill Devlin. 

He was a very charismatic persona who filled the room with inclusive hope for and prayerfulness for all those involved with the campaign. He was a constant reminder of the importance  of putting all things in the hands of God. He is who I believe to be the  “Indiana Jones “ for persecuted souls. 


A little bit about Bill, He PB….received the Purple Heart after being wounded by enemy fire off the coast of North Vietnam.  When I first met him he worked with an organization he founded … Urban Family Council who mission based in Philadelphia existed to build healthy families by providing education about, and advocating for, life, marriage, and family. With too many missions to mention, he has soldiered on for Christ.  in his most recent efforts with Live Reckless  committed to assisting persecuted people and groups in America and around the globe such as Syria, Iraq, Cuba, The Sudan, and NYC.

About a year and a half ago Bill briefly mentioned that a friend of his, Pastor Brunson was being detained In Turkey and the need for prayer for his release. He has traveled back and forth to Turkey to be by his friend's side at every hearing. I  do believe that this story gives an important witness to the power of prayer.

Stay tuned for more on  this topic in the coming weeks, as We prepare for the Nation Wide Prayer Network "All Saints Day Celebration Around the Nation" Day of Prayer.

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