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Time for Christians to Politically Follow Jesus

-Source-American Thinker-

I have black and white Christian relatives who are extremely involved in their churches, faithfully attending every Sunday. They sit in their favorite pew, singing, "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus." Why do most of these Christian relatives choose to ignore Democrats', fake news media's, public education's, and Hollywood's war on marriage, God's sex distinctions, innocent life, and Jesus?

These regular churchgoers distance themselves from me whenever I post my articles on Facebook about Planned Parenthood's obsession with killing babies even after they are born – infanticide. Christian relatives were offended when my wife posted undercover videos that exposed that PP illegally sells dead baby body parts for profit. A video revealed that PP is excited when its abortionists successfully kill babies without destroying the head because intact heads sell for premium prices. My Christian relatives still passionately defend Planned Parenthood. My wife Mary and I are their politically fanatical relatives.

Sadly, some Christian relatives seem to allow their public school-indoctrinated kids to tell them what to think. These Christian parents support Planned Parenthood killing babies because their Millennial kids support Planned Parenthood killing babies. Will God judge such parents for allowing their kids to seduce them into bending a knee in worship to the false god of political correctness? Read more


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