(Washington Post)
Alan Blinder and Jonathan Martin Feb. 7, 2019
RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia braced on Thursday for sustained political upheaval as the crisis of personal conduct that has engulfed the state government’s three leading officials showed no sign of ending.
Although two of the Democratic officials — Governor Ralph Northam, who on Saturday admitted to using blackface in 1984, and Lt. Gov. Justin E. Fairfax, who has been accused of a sexual assault in 2004 — have indicated that they will not resign, Attorney General Mark R. Herring, also a Democrat, has suggested that he could quit after acknowledging Wednesday that he, too, had once worn blackface.
The fast-moving events of the week left just about no one in the Capitol willing to predict what could come next, even in the whispered conversations that have dominated its corridors this week.
“Our diverse commonwealth has been deeply shaken by these developments, but nonetheless remains economically vibrant, fiscally sound, safe and secure,” Kirk Cox, the Republican speaker of the House of Delegates — and a possible governor, under extraordinary circumstances — said in a statement. “We have weathered the storms of four centuries and will weather this one as well.”