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What Happens After Robert Mueller Delivers His Report?


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election might be nearing an end, but the political and legal battle over his work has barely begun.

Lawmakers from both parties plan to press for access not just to the report that is likely to mark the end of Mueller's work but also to the evidence he gathered during an investigation that spanned nearly two years and pried deeply into Donald Trump's presidential campaign and administration. The demands would almost certainly set up a battle between Congress and the Justice Department.

Mueller has indicted 34 people, including Russian intelligence operatives and some of Trump's closest aides and advisers. In doing so, he revealed a wealth of details about a sophisticated Russian effort to influence the 2016 election and about a campaign eager to reap the benefits of that activity. What he might add in a final report remains uncertain.

Lawmakers – particularly newly powerful House Democrats, who have launched a barrage of investigations into the president and made no secret of the fact that they could be the forerunners of an impeachment inquiry – are exploring ways to force the administration to turn over conclusions and evidence it might prefer to keep secret. Read more


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