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Wildwood Model With Down Syndrome Breaks Down Stereotypes

(St. Louis Post Dispatch)

Aisha Sultan March 22, 2019

The lunchroom can get a little rowdy when the kindergarten through second-grade classes fill up the tables. Grace Strobel scans the room for little hands waving in the air. She spots a group of kids who frequently call for her to help open their condiment packets or juice boxes and walks over.

Linda Strobel was closer to the table and checked in on the group.

“Can I help you?” she said.

“No, we want her to help us,” a boy said, pointing at Grace. Linda asked why.

“Because we know she can’t do it,” he said, while the kids around him burst into laughter.

Grace, then 20, heard the entire exchange and burst into tears. Linda told her to walk away and calm herself. Then Linda turned to the children, who had no idea that she was Grace’s mom.

“Guys, would you laugh at someone in a wheelchair?” They shook their heads. Grace isn’t physically disabled.



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