John KatzMilitary draft is making a comeback in EuropeSource - Washington Post - For many young Europeans, a post-high-school “gap year” has become a rite of passage. Instead of proceeding...
John KatzThe World's Most Competitive EconomiesSource - Forbes - The World Economic Forum has released its annual study on the competitiveness of the global economy. The index...
John KatzSaudi Royal Family Considering Replacement For Crown Prince bin SalmaSource - Zero Hedge - The major French daily Le Figaro on Thursday published a bombshell story which reports the Saudi royal family is...
John KatzSupporter of giant ‘caravan’ of migrants headed for US border arrestedSource - Daily Mail - Members of a 4,000-strong migrant caravan have made it to a Guatemalan border town across the muddy Suchiate River...
John Katz The United Kingdom thinks 4G mobile signal and free Wi-Fi should be considered ‘human rights’-Source-The Independent- Having a 4G mobile signal, choosing our own working hours and always having a seat on a train should be...
John KatzSolar Power Could Still Save the World-Source-Vice- Our future on this planet is totally, irrevocably, screwed. That would seem to be the message from last week’s major UN...
John KatzWhy pressure on Saudi Arabia could 'escalate quickly', and bring pain for everyone elseSource - CNBC - With Saudi Arabia denying a role in the sudden disappearance of a prominent journalist — and vowing to push back against...
John KatzAmerican Pastor Set To Be Released-Source-The Western Journal- The Trump administration and the Turkish government have reportedly reached an agreement for the release of...
John KatzU.S. foreign aid empowers women and girls worldwide-Source-The Hill- Traveling across Sierra Leone, 16-year-old Zainab and her group perform educational dramas for different villages on...