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A 'whole of society threat'


The FBI has a clear message for the US public: Chinese society itself is a threat to the US due to its heavy engagement with espionage and influence campaigns.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said as much at a February Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, during which he said naive academics have allowed "nontraditional collectors" of intelligence to infiltrate the US's revered "very open research and development environment" in universities.

While Chinese citizens have been pouring into US and Western universities and industries, China has seen an explosion in domestic technology, especially in its military and space sectors.

To be fair, all countries with the capability engage in spycraft, but the Chinese Communists don't gather intelligence like the US does. China's society is not like the US's. In China, everything belongs to the ruling Communist Party, including the military and intelligence services, and its people can be coerced into their service. Read more



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