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Banned From Returning To School


A teenager who filmed himself being told off by his teacher for insisting there were only two genders cannot return to his school, it has been reported. The unnamed teacher at Mearns Academy, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, reprimanded the 17-year-old boy whom he called "Murray" in the video.

In an interview he gave on social media, the boy said when his class was asked to sign up for a website, the teacher said that it was old-fashioned that there were only two genders listed. The boy then replied: "But sir, there's only two genders," The Evening Standard reported. He was then sent out of class and made to wait for 30 minutes before the teacher came to speak with him. The pupil filmed the encounter, which was shared tens of thousands of times online on Reddit.

In the filmed encounter, the teacher said: "You're entitled to your opinion," to which the boy responded: "If I am, then why did you kick me out of class? It's not very inclusive."

The teacher replied: "No, I'm sorry, what you were saying is not very inclusive. This is an inclusive school," later adding, "Could you please keep that opinion to your own house? Not in this school."

The boy is heard saying: "I think it's silly to have anything other than two genders…anything else is a personal identification."He said that first he was suspended for one week, which was extended by another couple of weeks, with restrictions placed on his phone. Read more


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