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Being Mean Is Not Funny

Source-National Review-

The swells and grandees of the White House Correspondents Association expected to have themselves a hearty laugh blowing up President Trump Saturday night. Instead, the WHCA was so rattled that it pulled the pin on its little comedy grenade and threw the pin at Trump. It held onto the grenade and it blew up in its face.

It’s hardly worthy of note that the previously little-known comic Michelle Wolf’s act was mean-spirited, vulgar, and unfunny as she tore into Sarah Huckabee Sanders and said President Trump loves Nazis. If the comedy at the White House Correspondents Dinner were this biting every year, it might be interesting. But it isn’t. Every year, no matter who holds the White House, the viciousness is trained on the same side. When Republicans are in power, the jokes are aimed at Republicans. When Democrats are in power, the jokes are aimed at Fox News Channel. When Trump is president the barbs are aimed at Trump. When Obama was president, the barbs were aimed at . . . Trump.

The president has done a useful public service in exposing the sham for what it is: one of many opportunities the cultural leadership seizes, in any given year, to wheel the Trojan horse of Democratic-party propaganda into a supposedly politically neutral event. The Oscars and the Emmys and the Grammys and the Golden Globes do the same thing, but viewers have caught on and turned their attention elsewhere.



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