(Daily Caller)

Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden appears to be campaigning on former President Barack Obama’s “lie of the year.”
During a campaign event with AARP members in Des Moines, Iowa, Biden repeated the same promise that Obama offered to voters when he was trying to increase public support for the Affordable Care Act. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” he claimed. (RELATED: CNN Compares Trump’s ‘Lies’ To Past Presidents — Leaves Out Obama’s ‘Lie Of The Year)
“Joe Biden, at an AARP event in Des Moines, describing his health care proposal: ‘If you like your health care plan, your employer-based plan, you can keep it. If you like your private insurance, you can keep it,'” New York Times politics reporter Reid Epstein tweeted Monday. Read more