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Bipartisanship or bust?

-Source-The Washington Post-

One of the most conservative outside groups in American politics just spent money to thank a Senate Democrat for a recent vote.

And not just any Democrat; a Senate Democrat that Republicans desperately want to unseat in November as part of their effort to keep control of their precarious majority in the Senate.

Americans for Prosperity, backed by conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch, announced Friday that it's launching a digital ad campaign to thank Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) for co-sponsoring a bill that rolls back regulations placed on banks after the 2008 financial crisis.

“This was a bipartisan effort made possible by lawmakers like Heidi Heitkamp who put politics aside to work together,” said AFP president Tim Phillips in a statement. “While we don’t agree with Sen. Heitkamp on everything, particularly her vote against tax relief, we commend her for taking a stand against the leaders of her party to do the right thing.” Read more



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