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Carter: Trump Could Be Worthy Of Nobel Peace Prize

(The New York Post)

Former President Jimmy Carter said Donald Trump would be worthy of consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize if he’s able to pull off getting North Korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal.

“If President Trump is successful in getting a peace treaty that’s acceptable to both sides with North Korea, I think he certainly ought to be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize,” the 93-year-old ex-president told Politico in an interview published Tuesday. “I think it would be a worthy and a momentous accomplishment that no previous president has been able to realize.”

But Carter, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his ​work to promote humanitarian issues and free elections around the globe, criticized Trump for dealing a “blow to peace” in the Middle East by moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and for failing to deliver moral leadership.

When that quality i​s​ lacking in the commander-in-chief, Carter said​, “it makes us much more likely to treat people differently, and to discriminate against either African-Americans or others who are different. … I think it’s probably more difficult to elevate human rights to a top priority, and things like peace and justice.” Read more


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