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Is China Meddling In U.S. Midterm Elections?

-Source-The Revolutionary Act-

We are treated to a daily recitation of Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 U.S. elections. We are lectured about how there are few things worse than a foreign power trying to influence U.S. elections. We are told this threatens the very being of our democracy. If so, then what China is doing right now with its targeted tariffs aimed at weakening the GOP in November midterms and President Trump going forward is just as egregious a violation of the sanctity of our democracy. Remember, Russia is not suspected of hacking in and changing votes, just changing public opinion. That is precisely what China is doing. And it’s happening in real-time flashing neon right in front of us.

And yet neither the hyper self-righteous Democrats nor the chest-thumping defenders of all that is good and right media can be bothered with anything more than a long, droll yawn. All they can see every day is the Russia-Trump collusion that apparently never happened. In fact, coverage of China meddling in the U.S elections is virtually non-existent. And yet it is laid right in front of us.

The Chinese have made it clear they are targeting their tariffs on major American agriculture exports to China to create maximum pain in the agricultural Midwest states that are a strong part of the Republican base and the Trump coalition.

For anyone who doesn’t get it from the targeting itself, they are slow-walking Americans through it by using animated cartoons in social media, via CGTN, the English language news channel of the Chinese government, to make the threat as explicit as possible to the Midwest voters: If President Trump doesn’t drop the tariffs on Chinese manufacturers, China will destroy agricultural markets in the Midwest — thus ruining GOP attempts to retain its majorities in Congress. Read more


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