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Politics: Conservatism Is Not Racism

Source: PJ Media

Do black people owe their votes to progressives?

Well, based on what happened to former NFL player Burgess Owens when he spoke at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, some sure seem to think so. You see, Owens isn't the kind of guy that pretends America hates minorities. In fact, he routinely speaks about leadership and the opportunities open to everyone in this country.

During his prepared remarks, no one interrupted. During the question and answer period, Owens was accused of speaking "against" his "own people," as noted by Campus Reform.

A student asked Owens for his name. After Owens replied, the student said she "thought it was Tom." In the case of someone like Owens, it's pretty clear she meant Uncle Tom.

That was just the tip of the iceberg. The crowd went on to heckle and shout down Owens' answers.

The problem is clear. Minorities aren't actually treated as individuals by progressives. For all their high-minded talk, they view minorities as belonging on the plantation.



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