
Earlier in the week, Bernie Sanders endorsed allowing convicted felons to vote -- not after they've paid their debt to society, mind you, but while they're still behind bars. He framed this stance as an matter of principle on voting rights, implying that opposing arguments are effective endorsements of GOP-backed voter "suppression" efforts. It's a "slippery slope" he intoned, ignoring the fact that expanding the franchise to incarcerated people would be the opposite of 'chipping away.'
Craven Kamala Harris pronounced herself open to the idea during the same CNN 'town hall' marathon, employing her typical "let's have a conversation" dodge, then walking it back after realizing how badly the radical proposal was playing. Only Pete Buttigieg flatly rejected the notion, earning strong (and telling) applause from the Democratic audience.
CNN's anchors seemed shocked that Bernie went out on that limb, going so far as to argue that convicted terrorists should be voting in US elections from their Supermax prisons. Read more