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Should Elected Official Who Bullied Praying Woman Resign?

Editor's Note: John Katz, The American Dossier-

As one who is Pro-Life and involved in presenting political issues as the editor of The American Dossier, I am mindful of differing views and render respect toward those with whom I might disagree. In over 20 years, I have never seen anything so vile as what you will see in the video below.

Unfortunately political culture as such has become about responding with angst, not dialog on issues with differing opinions.

This type of reaction has dangerously become typical and is not about the specific issue of abortion.

First and foremost, let us all pray for all victims here, the mothers and fathers, the aborted babies, the prayerful woman and healing of Rep. Brian Sims. This is clearly an angry and wounded individual who chose to use his position of power to abuse not only this woman but the power he was entrusted with as an elected official.

"With great power comes great responsibility," and no I am not simply quoting Spiderman. According to Quote Investigator, it is actually a loose translation accredited to Voltaire. Prominent leaders such as Lord Melbourne, Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt made similar statements.

Should his conduct be accepted? What about her right to free speech? 



A pro-abortion Democrat lawmaker posted a video of himself harassing a peaceful pro-life protester while invoking his office last week in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims repeatedly bullied the pro-life woman in an unhinged rant as she stood alone outside a Planned Parenthood in his district in southeastern Pennsylvania.

Sims called the woman a “racist” and her sidewalk counseling “grotesque.” He followed her around, hurtling insults at her; and at one point, he got in her face with his camera and ignored her requests to leave her alone.


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