(The Washington Times)

Democrats boycotted a Senate committee Thursday in order to sink a bill designed to fix the surge of illegal immigrants at the border.
Under the Judiciary Committee’s rules, at least two Democrats needed to be present for senators to debate and pass the bill. But only one — Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat — showed up in order to complain about the process.
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Chairman Lindsey Graham, who’s been trying to pass the bill for a month, said he’ll move next week to change the rules so that the committee can act without being stymied by another boycott.
“Somebody’s going to lead around here,” he said. “It will be this committee.”
Mr. Graham’s bill would change the asylum process to deter the slew of bogus asylum seekers that have flooded the system in recent years. Migrants are making false claims, knowing that there’s such a large backlog that they’ll be able to get into the U.S. and get work permits, giving them years to root into communities. Read more