(Editors Note: We occasionally will present and contrast viewpoints that differ in insight and or ask you for your point of view. From time to time we will feature them here. Please read the articles below and comment.Please give us your opinion and take our poll Here)

Article 1: (Breitbart)Nancy Pelosi Is Incorrect, Walls Have Proven Effective on Border
During the Democrat response to President Donald Trump’s Oval Office address, Rep. Nancy Pelosi claimed border fences, walls, and barriers are “ineffective” on the United States-Mexico border.
In a fact check by Breitbart News, Nancy Pelosi is incorrect in her statement that a wall along the southern border would be ineffective in stopping and ending illegal immigration.
In 1992, a barrier in San Diego, California, was constructed, causing illegal border crossings to drop by 92 percent, according to a statement from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) spokeswoman Katie Waldman. In 1993 in El Paso, Texas, a barrier was built at the border, and illegal crossings dropped by 92 percent in one year alone. Read More
Article 2:(The Washington Post)
The first misleading statement in President Trump’s Oval Office address Tuesday night came in the first sentence.
Trump, addressing a national television audience from behind his desk, warned of a “security crisis at the southern border” — even though the number of people caught trying to cross illegally is near 20-year lows.
Another false claim came moments later, when Trump said border agents “encounter thousands of illegal immigrants trying to enter our country” every day, though his administration puts the daily average for 2018 in the hundreds. A few sentences later, he said 90 percent of the heroin in the United States comes across the border with Mexico, ignoring the fact that most of the drugs come through legal entry points and wouldn’t be stopped by the border wall that he is demanding as the centerpiece of his showdown with Democrats. Read more
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