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Different Views :The aftermath of the Trump-Putin Summit

Video: Analyzing the media coverage of the Trump-Putin summit

- *The American Dossier Editors Note- We welcome and would love for you to talk amongst yourselves on this issue as these 2 articles below offer interesting perspectives.

A Different Pont of View:



Beginning his joint press conference with Vladimir Putin, President Trump declared that U.S. relations with Russia have “never been worse.”

He then added pointedly, that just changed “about four hours ago.”

It certainly did. With his remarks in Helsinki and at the NATO summit in Brussels, Trump has signaled a historic shift in U.S. foreign policy that may determine the future of this nation and the fate of his presidency.

He has rejected the fundamental premises of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War and blamed our wretched relations with Russia not on Vladimir Putin, but squarely on the U.S. establishment.

In a tweet prior to the meeting, Trump indicted the elites of both parties: “Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!”

Trump thereby repudiated the records and agendas of the neocons and their liberal interventionist allies, as well as the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway.

Looking back over the week, from Brussels to Britain to Helsinki, Trump’s message has been clear, consistent and startling.

NATO is obsolete. European allies have freeloaded off U.S. defense while rolling up huge trade surpluses at our expense. Those days are over. Europeans are going to stop stealing our markets and start paying for their own defense.

And there will be no Cold War II.

We are not going to let Putin’s annexation of Crimea or aid to pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine prevent us from working on a rapprochement and a partnership with him, Trump is saying. We are going to negotiate arms treaties and talk out our differences as Ronald Reagan did with Mikhail Gorbachev. Read more


Video: Chris Wallace interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin

A Different Point of View:

Donald Trump sold out the US to Russia, Vladimir Putin


he president’s disgraceful performance today — refusing to confront Putin even as he criticized American intelligence agencies — only underscores the dangers we're facing.'

President Donald Trump Monday appeared to accept Russian President Vladimir Putin's denial of interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers on Friday was yet another reminder of ongoing Russian attempts to undermine our democracy using cyberattacks. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats issued a stark warning later in the day, comparing our current situation to the days leading up to 9/11: “The warning lights are blinking red again. Today, the digital infrastructure that serves this country is literally under attack.”

And it’s not just attacks on our elections: Russian government cyber actors have also attacked our power grid, nuclear facilities and American businesses.

With that as a backdrop, every American should be alarmed by the spectacle of President Donald Trump seeking out friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The president’s disgraceful performance today — refusing to confront Putin even as he criticized American intelligence agencies — only underscores the dangers we're facing.

More: Stormy Daniels was targeted, by cops and a law that shouldn't exist: Today's talker

But we should be equally appalled by congressional inaction. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan have yet to allow a single vote on legislation to defend the U.S. against future attacks or prevent foreign meddling on Facebook. That negligence is inexcusable.

Congress should pass three bills immediately. First, the Secure Elections Act would strengthen our cyber defenses and provide much-needed assistance to state and local election officials on the front lines of defending our democracy. Second, the Honest Ads Act would help prevent manipulation by foreign actors by requiring that online political ads disclose their sponsors, just like ads on TV or radio. Third, the DETER Act would lay out specific sanctions that would be automatically imposed on Russia if the intelligence community determines that it has interfered in the 2018 elections.

We may not be able to fathom or prevent Trump’s affinity for Putin, but Republican congressional leaders do have the ability to check the president and protect the American people from further attacks — if they choose. And with the mid-term elections fast approaching, the situation is urgent. Read more


Video: Will Anyone Resign Over President Donald Trump’s Positive Comments About Russia?


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