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Editors Note-A brief response to the Korean Summit ...much more to follow

-Source- The Editors At The American Dossier-

Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you must stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.- Philippians 4:1

It is easy to say and perhaps Divine providence that the summit fell on the same day that Ronald Reagan called for the Berlin Wall to be taken down.

Much like that call the Summit has come and gone. And we hope and pray to where it may lead. The Korean War has gone on for almost 70 years. It is time to roll up our sleeves and walk towards resolve. We only have ourselves to be blame if we get stuck in dagger throwing.

As human nature is… the naysayers and Monday morning quarterbacks (if you will)have quickly come out of the woodworks. Let us remember that this is neither about pomp and circumstance or trivialness. nor about which political party has a valid or invalid doubt. This is not about Donald or Kim getting the Nobel Prize or another term in office.

This is an important first step , it is about healing and continuing to pray for peace. As there is much work to be done. It is a Peace Process.

We Here at the American Dossier welcome all faiths and look at all points of view.

However we believe in the Christian tradition of prayer and action.

In that tradition We petition God, WE Praise God and We continue to Thank Him for His Will and grace to continue to heal and guide us all. And not to sound cliché from a purely secular view , from the words of John Lennon…”All we are saying is Lets give peace a chance”, but we must continue to pray and do the work to obtain that.


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