President Donald Trump has relentlessly pushed to build a border wall and tighten immigration restrictions. He's also fought efforts to acquire his tax returns.
On Friday, five federal courts rejected arguments by Trump and his administration on all three fronts.It was a shocking day, as the President lost on both the personal front -- keeping his tax returns from congressional Democrats who might use them in their impeachment inquiry -- and on immigration, the policy area at the center of his agenda.Here's a brief breakdown of the five rulings -- and one dissent:
Tax returns -- DC Circuit Court of Appeals
In a 2-1 ruling, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected Trump's attempt to stop his accounting firm, Mazars USA, from turning over eight years of financial records to House Democrats.It's a major loss in the President's efforts to refuse to cooperate with the impeachment probe. Trump and other Republicans argue the full House must vote to authorize the inquiry, but the court disagreed, writing that it has "no authority" to require the House to take a full vote in support of a subpoena to investigate the President, citing the Constitution.The next stop could be the Supreme Court.READ: Appeals court ruling on Trump tax returns Read more