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God Is Not Dead


When I was a kid, there was an expression, "Stop the world. I want to get off." Glancing at the headlines sometimes make me feel that way.

For example, here are some stories highlighted on today, as of Aug. 6, 2018:

  • A crackdown on free speech by Apple. They decide what is and what is not "hate." Consequently, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is now denied his platform.

  • The #MeToo movement continues to speak out against alleged sexual predators, and CBS is working to weather a storm of allegations swirling around their CEO.

  • Canada is calling for a boycott of the United States.

  • Sex with robots is a growing fad.

  • The president is beleaguered by allegations of collusion with the Russians.

  • Calls are going out for social media censorship of climate change "deniers."

  • In Chicago, 63 were shot over the weekend in a city with some of the strictest gun control laws. 44 of them were killed within 14 hours. As a colleague noted, "It’s like Fallujah, only worse."

  • Parkland victims protest the NRA . . . but the former have armed guards.

  • Older Americans have money woes. The New York Times, on Aug. 5, 2018 reported, "The rate of people 65 and older filing for bankruptcy is three times what it was in 1991."

Why is America seemingly sinking into the abyss? We have forgotten God.

As a nation, just like as individuals, we reap what we sow.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, the great Russian writer and critic of the atheist USSR (who spent years imprisoned in one of Stalin’s gulags), once said," . . . [W]hile I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."

The Nobel-prize winning writer went on to say that he had read hundreds of books on the godless Soviet state and talked with many people about the murderous disaster it was, and he said no one provided a better explanation than those simple peasants: We have forgotten God. Read more


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