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How Democrats and Republicans See Impeachment


With a near party-line vote on impeachment rules expected in the House Thursday morning, Democrats are confident, while Republicans are focusing on swing states to shore up support.

Why it matters: Democrats say the vote will accelerate the inquiry, and will give them more tools to conduct their investigation. 

The mid-morning vote is scheduled in the middle of testimony by Tim Morrison, a National Security Council official who has decided to leave the administration "to pursue other opportunities."

Democrats are going for a jackpot by asking former Trump national security adviser John Bolton to appear behind closed doors next week.

A source close to Bolton tells Axios' Margaret Talev that Bolton won’t testify unless compelled — via subpoena.But if Bolton is compelled, look out: He knows a lot, and won’t be demure or hold back.

The Trump re-election campaign is looking at impeachment largely through the lens of the swing states the president needs to win in 2020. Read more


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