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How The Bible Is Used In The Pro-Abortion Argument

(Western Journal)

Left-wing ideologue and actress Alyssa Milano twisted the words of Jesus to defend the barbaric practice of abortion.

“I love God. I believe in God,” Milano tweeted Monday.

“But,” Milano said, “I don’t believe my personal beliefs of which we can’t confirm should override scientific facts and what we can confirm.” Milano ended her ridiculous defense of killing the unborn by quoting John 3:12: “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?”

Alyssa Milano


I love God. I believe in God.

But I don’t believe my personal beliefs of which we can’t confirm should override scientific facts and what we can confirm.

“If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” John 3:12

The tweet was posted on the first of April, but Milano wasn’t making an April Fool’s joke. The deluded actress is genuinely this misguided. First of all, the phrase “I believe in God, but …” is dangerous. Belief in God shouldn’t be something that one whips out only when it’s convenient for his or her political agenda.

For certain things, such as the belief in God, there are no “buts.” Furthermore, it’s unclear which “scientific facts” Milano was referring to. As Twitter users pointed out, it’s an established scientific fact that a human embryo is still a human, and a human fetus is still a human. Read more


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