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Julian Assange & Roger Stone - Is The Bush Clinton Body Count About To Grow Again?

By Lucy Aubrec, Contributor, The American Dossier

Isn’t it curious how enemies of the Deep State keep winding up dead, in prison, or both?

Just days after Roger Stone was convicted of repeating information Bloomberg television had made public 14 months earlier, (that WikiLeaks had both Hillary and the DNC’s emails), and just days after the prison guards who falsified prison records in an effort to conceal the perpetrators of Jeffrey Epstein’s untimely death SUICIDE, and just as the three ring Schiff circus races forward with more hearsay, disinformation and Constitutional violations, another interesting tidbit was announced in Sweden – rape charges against Julian Assange have been dropped; meaning Great Brittan, home of Epstein pal and accused pedo freak Prince Phillip, can extradite Assange to the U.S.

Assange faces up to five years in US prison if convicted of the crime of being a journalist reporting leaked information.

Never mind the fact that NONE of the fired spooks, (Clapper, Comey, & McCabe), nor the reporters who printed their leaked classified information have been prosecuted. No, no, no dear friends, the gulag is only for enemies of the State – Deep State that is.

It would seem that the spooks within the agencies are still trying to tie up loose ends. Roger is on his way to the pokey, where we can all be fairly sure more guards will be paid off. Hopefully those new guards take note of the way Epstein’s guards have been left swinging in the wind. But then again the spookey dudes, just like the mob of old, know just where to apply the pressure to get vulnerable folks to do their will, don’t they?

General Flynn’s son, for instance.

Barry Seals knew too much.

Jeffrey Epstein knew too much.

Seth Rich knew too much.

Roger Stone knows too much.

Julian Assange knows EVERYTHING.

This isn’t a Clinton body count, neither Billy Boy nor his Witch Wife are smart enough to pull all those deaths off on their own…unless of course they had the help of the Grandaddy Spook himself. (If you missed it, catch up on that juicy tidbit of news here ). Well, Grandaddy’s dead, but his minions and the evil intelligence machine he created are still there…and the bodies are still piling up.

We know, thanks in large part to Wikileaks, that our intelligence agencies have been pulling masterful tricks, disinformation campaigns, fostering unrest and assassinations in other countries for years in order to suit their masters’ will. Did we really think they wouldn’t eventually do it here on US soil someday?

Some of the non-mainstream sites are reporting that President Trump’s food tester is in critical condition and that’s why Trump had the surprise health checkup. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, after all Sergei & Julia Skripal were poisoned on a park bench in the UK just one year ago. Nothing at all should surprise us any more in this age of tyranny and all-out war on Liberty.

Pray for Roger Stone. Pray for Julian Assange. Pray for Donald Trump.

Pray for the Divine protection of all the enemies of the Deep State, because it’s going to take a miracle to destroy the evil machine Bush built.


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