Source-The New York Daily News-
Now that the patriot police have turned what was a peaceful protest about police brutality and social injustice into a flag-waving, jingoistic shame fest, the NFL can make amends with the black players it has insulted with its new no-kneel policy by singing a different tune.
For just one week of the league's 17-week season, the NFL should bench "The Star Spangled Banner," and replace it with — wait for it — "The Negro National Anthem."
"Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing,"' as the anthem is officially known, is every bit as patriotic as the song that kicks off every major professional sporting event in America.
Its words inspire hope, and pay reverent respect to the battles fought to achieve our freedoms.
Lift every voice and sing, till earth and Heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise, high as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
A bit of history: "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" was written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson as part of a celebration of President Abraham Lincoln's birthday on February 12, 1900 at a segregated school in Jacksonville, Florida.
The poem was set to music in 1905 by Johnson's brother John.
In 1919, the NAACP dubbed it "The Negro National Anthem" in recognition of "its power in voicing the cry for liberation and affirmation for African-American people." Read more
From a Different Point Of View
NFL owners approve national anthem policy for 2018

The NFL will enact a national anthem policy for 2018 that requires players and league personnel on the sideline to stand but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they don't want to stand, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced Wednesday.
Under the change approved by team owners at the Spring League Meeting, individual clubs will have the power to set their own policies to ensure the anthem is being respected during any on-field action. If a player chooses to protest on the sideline, the NFL will fine the team. The player also could be fined by his team, NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport and NFL Network's Judy Battista reported.
Goodell said the six changes under the policy were unanimously approved by team owners who voted. San Francisco 49ers owner Jed York said he abstained from voting, in part, due to the lack of player involvement in the decision process.
"The policy adopted today was approved in concert with the NFL's ongoing commitment to local communities and our country -- one that is extraordinary in its scope, resources, and alignment with our players," Goodell said in a statement. "We are dedicated to continuing our collaboration with players to advance the goals of justice and fairness in all corners of our society.
"It was unfortunate that on-field protests created a false perception among many that thousands of NFL players were unpatriotic. This is not and was never the case."Read More