Scientists hope to add up to 20 years on life expectancy
Richard Skellett, a founder of Digital Anthropologist and an expert for Future of Work, has warned of a future in which British workers have chips inserted underneath their skin.The process has already been trialled with company BioTeq fitting 150 implants in the UK.And Sweden-based firm Biohax told the Sunday Telegraph that it is in discussions with several British companies about microchipping.
But as humans and machines become more in-sync, it could open up all sorts of possibilities – including being able to live forever.Speaking to Daily Star Online, Mr Skellett explained: “There’s a lot of talk at the moment about microchipping employees and there are some companies that are actually doing that.
“I can see benefits from it, but also opens up a whole roster of other things – like being reborn.” The microchips from BioTeq are similar to those for pets and are implanted in the flesh between the thumb and forefinger. Chips will be able to store medical data and other personal information.
“Your soul is you, it’s your beliefs, it’s your values”
Mr Skellett added: “Living forever might sound crazy at the moment because the technology isn’t quite there, but we already have the technology to clone. Read more