(American Thinker) The media and other Democrats seem to think that they are entitled to win every race where they have a minority candidate. Otherwise, the voters are racists. The following AP story and Washington Post opinion piece are clear examples of how the media continue to play the race card.
President Trump referred to failed Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum as a thief because he improperly took gifts, and somehow that is racist? And Trump calls losing Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams incompetent, and somehow that is racist?
Trump has called white politicians from both parties much worse than thieves and incompetent, so it is truly pathetic that the media and Democrats play the race card.
What is sad is that journalists and Democrats didn’t actually care about how corrupt Gillum and Tallahassee appear to be. They wanted him because he was a Democrat and nothing else mattered. Of course they also supported the corrupt Menendez for reelection. The “D’ is obviously more important than race or honesty.
Trump is also called a racist because he wants to stop the caravan, which he properly refers to as an invasion. If 4,000 or 7,000 people are gathering together to illegally enter a country, invasion looks like a proper term, and it really doesn’t matter what race the people are. It matters that Trump wants to enforce the laws that Congress passed. Jim Acosta should be asked whether a President should abide by his oath to enforce laws. Read More