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Mendte: Sifting Through The Rubble of The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing

-Source By-Larry Mendte-Contributor,The American Dossier

The democratic party, with a fawning media in tow, will now turn its attention to the mid-term elections, with little or no acknowledgment that they transformed the sacred act of confirming a Supreme Court nominee into a political demolition derby.

Instead of bridging the dangerous, widening divide in our country, the democrats used that divide to stir up passion for their own political power and profit.

Judge Brett Cavanaugh, who hadn’t a hint of impropriety in 30 years of public service, both in the White House and on the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, was painted as a drunk, angry, partisan, right-wing, woman hating, gang rapist and flasher, in a last minute despicable attempt to derail his nomination.

The accusations were accompanied with no evidence or corroboration and date back to college and high school. Accusations that wouldn’t have been taken seriously by local law enforcement or a corporation, but somehow were taken seriously by members of the Senate Judiciary committee.

It was as obvious as it was evil, that the democrats were willing to strip away the once impeccable reputation of a good man, in front of his family and the world, simply because they didn’t like the person who nominated him.

So before we allow the media to move onto the next phase of the resistance, lets take a moment to sift through the rubble to get a sense of how much the nation was damaged by what we just went through.

1) The Reputation of the Senate. Will anyone ever again send a letter to a United States Senator hoping for confidentiality? The fact that Christine Blasey Ford sent Senator Diane Feinstein details of her deepest, darkest secret with the assumption that her name would never be disclosed, only to read the letter and her name in the Washington Post, is a new low. The letter should have been given immediately to the FBI to investigate. Dr. Ford’s name would have been kept secret and the allegations could have been thoroughly investigated, sans the circus. It is now imperative that the leak be investigated to restore some trust in the Senate and its ability to protect the identity of those who wish to come forward with important information.

2) The #MeToo Movement. The Kavanaugh conformation debacle may have irreparably harmed the movement, built on foundation that all those who come forward with accusations of sexual harassment or assault must be believed. Now that the Democrats have hijacked and weaponized #MeToo and failed, there is a national backlash and demand for some modicum of evidence or corroboration to support accusations.

3) Public Access to the Government. A government of the people, by the people and for the people, must assure that the people have access to government. With that in mind, the United States Senate offices have always been open to anyone. That may now change after democratic paid activists abused that privilege by stalking and harassing Senators in the the hallways and elevators, causing fears that politically incited anger could eventually lead to violence. There are now calls for the halls of the Senate Office Buildings to be off limits to the public.

4) Bipartisanship. In the wake of the Kavanaugh nomination circus, the anger and resentment on both sides of the aisle will not subside anytime soon. That resentment is certain to spill into the new Congress and the Senate’s next Supreme Court confirmation hearing. The tribalism that has savaged our politics will accelerate with new purpose, as both sides are now poisoned by a desire for revenge.

5) America. The divide and resentment in Washington is felt in our neighborhoods and in our lives. The manipulated passions of partisan politics has already corrupted our news coverage and is now threatening personal relationships. If there was any hope that the Senate could show us how differences could be settled with dignity and decorum, that hope was exposed as being naive. In fact, quite the opposite happened, because of the example of the Kavanaugh Hearings, we are a country even more divided. And, at least for the time being, all hope is lost.


Larry Mendte is an award winning writer, reporter, anchor and documentarian. He has been the main anchor of television newscasts at network stations in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia. Currently Larry hosts two news television talk shows in New Jersey and Delaware and a radio show at WABC in New York. Larry was the first host of Access Hollywood and has won over 90 Emmy awards for his work.



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