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Nothing Has Ever Made The Media’s Bias More Crystal Clear

Larry Mendte, Contributor, The American Dossier

Nothing has ever made the media’s bias more crystal clear than the protection Joe Biden is getting in the wake if the whistleblower story.

If you are to accept the media narrative, President Donald Trump is a criminal and should be impeached for suggesting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. However, Joe Biden is a victim, even though he bragged about threatening to hold back foreign aid to the Ukraine unless they fire the prosecutor who was investigating an energy company that paid his son Hunter $50,000 a month to sit on a board.

Although Trump was clumsy and inappropriate for suggesting that Zelensky re-open the investigation of Biden during a conversation about foreign aid, there is no direct evidence in the transcript of a quid pro quo. Biden, on the other hand, provided compelling evidence in 2017, when he was sitting on a stage at the Council of Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. and recounted a conversation he had with Petro Proshenko, the former president of the Ukraine.

“If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden told the crowd. The then Vice President was threatening to cancel $1 billion dollars in loan guarantees. Biden continued, “Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Even if the Ukrainian prosecutor was corrupt and should have been fired, as media stories proport; even if the prosecutor wasn’t directly investigating Hunter Biden, should his powerful father be involved at all, let alone threatening the Ukraine President? It is at least worth some degree of media scrutiny.

Instead, the media have circled the wagons and are protecting the democratic front runner from all criticism. “The claims against Biden are unsubstantiated,” is a common refrain from network anchors and hosts who don’t want to muddle the attack on Trump.

Chuck Todd took the Biden defense to a whole on Meet the Press. After dismissing any claims against Biden as “a false equivalency,” He interviewed Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin. Todd was getting increasingly frustrated that the senator wouldn’t say something negative about Trump and wanted to talk about the Biden story. Todd finally lost it and yelled and accuse d Senator Johnson of using “Fox News conspiracy propaganda.”

The truth is Joe Biden’s campaign staff is petrified that the Biden-Ukraine story will gain traction and is actively trying to kill it. “Keep the focus on Trump,” is what Biden said to a reporter in Iowa who dared ask him about his son Hunter’s sweetheart deal. That is exactly the instruction that the Biden campaign is passing along to media newsrooms, and many are dutifully obeying.

Bill Maher, who has a comedy show about politics on HBO and hates Donald Trump, brought up the most salient point about the media’s Biden protection plan. Maher pointed out that Hunter Biden “was paid $600,000 because his name was Biden by a gas company in Ukraine’ and then called out the media silence, “If Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow would be talking about.”

It would be all every network anchor and host would be talking about, but with Biden’s son, nothing. This is what bias looks like.


Larry Mendte is an award winning writer, reporter, anchor and documentarian. He has been the main anchor of television newscasts at network stations in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Philadelphia. Currently Larry hosts two news television talk shows in New Jersey and Delaware and a radio show at WABC in New York. Larry was the first host of Access Hollywood and has won over 90 Emmy awards for his work.


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