(The Daily Caller)

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez promoted “prison abolition” in a pair of tweets Monday morning.
Ocasio-Cortez called for “a real conversation about decarceration [and] prison abolition in this country,” adding: “A cage is a cage is a cage. And humans don’t belong in them.”
“Prison abolition” is a radical left-wing movement to abolish prisons altogether—including for violent offenders. The Democratic Socialists of America, of which Ocasio-Cortez is a part, voted in August to create “a national Police & Prison Abolition Working Group.”
“Mass incarceration is our American reality. It is a system whose logic evolved from the same lineage as Jim Crow, American apartheid, & slavery,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. “To end it, we have to change. That means we need to have a real conversation about decarceration & prison abolition in this country.” Read more