(John Katz, Editor,The American Dossier)

Editor's Note: Update :Yesterday we were updated and as reported by The Daily Caller, "By far the most significant finding in the four-page letter is that the special counsel did not find evidence that President Trump or members of his campaign conspired with Russians to influence the 2016 election. Barr also said that evidence was not sufficient to establish that Trump obstructed justice during the investigation."
Should Robert Mullers Report On Russian Collusion Be Released In Full To The Public? Take Our Poll!
After 675 days and cost of $25M to American taxpayers, at last Robert Mueller has delivered his final report to Attorney General Robert Barr.
It has been almost two years of following multiple investigations which have lead to the charges and indictment against against more than two dozen Russian operatives, and a succession of aides and advisers to Trump's campaign. How ever these transgressors actions are unrelated to any wrongdoing by President Trump. As of this report there has been no substantiated statement by Mr. Mueller of collusion presented. With much speculation from multiple sources it is also reported no more indictments are expected to come forth.
Whether or not we the people will get to see this report is as yet to be determined with much anticipation of what version we may or may not get to read.
As reported on Friday in USAToday, Attorney General Barr told lawmakers he is "reviewing the report, and anticipate that I may be in a position to advise you of the special counsel's principal conclusions as soon as this weekend."
Considering the financial expense and the residual effects, such as the time taken away from focus on pressing legislative issues as healthcare, the economy and immigration,one would think there would be no question in releasing this report in full to the American public.
Rather than participate in the continued on going spectacle of what findings are to be reported , We at the American Dossier hope that as we begin to draw to a concrete conclusion, continue and encourage all to pray for the healing of our nation and its leadership.
Our greatest prayer for our elected leaders is for them to spend more focus to do the job that their constituents elected them to do with less distraction, and for a much needed healing with dialog, rather than participation for the ‘aha’ or ‘high five’ moments that are sure to come, regardless to whatever has been found.