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Rand Paul: 'Not One Penny' of Aid for Pakistan Until Asia Bibi Is Freed

(Breitbart) “I believe in my religion and in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind.” These are words that many Christians have said, or something similar. Even if you haven’t said them, you most certainly believe in your neighbor’s right to say them. But for too many people around the globe, words such as these can be a death sentence. I’ve made it a personal mission of mine in office to stop the United States from funding or being allied with places that persecute Christians.

One such case is Pakistan and the story of Asia Bibi, a Christian who was on death row for blasphemy. She says it all began when she drew water from a Muslim villager’s well. A few days after the initial incident, where she made the statement mentioned above, she was confronted by a crowd chanting, “Death! Death to the Christian!” She pleaded for her life. She was pelted with stones, punched in the face, and dragged through the streets. The local Imam finally intervened only to say, “If you don’t want to die, you must convert to Islam.” The crowd descended on her again, beating her with sticks. She refused. Read More


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