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Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Minimum Wage Should Be $20 Per Hour

(The Blaze)

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) has upped the ante in the fight for a higher minimum wage, telling attendees at a One Fair Wage event that the federal minimum wage should actually be $20 per hour, not $15 as is currently being pushed by the Democratic Party.

One Fair Wage is a nonprofit organization that advocates for higher minimum wage for tipped employees.

What's the news?

"Big fights like this one, $15—by the way, when we started it, it should've been $15. Now I think it should be $20. Make sure America Rising hears that." Tlaib said. "It should be $20 an hour—$18-20 an hour, because everything all the costs—they say all this is going to raise the costs. I can tell you this: Milk has gone up. Eggs have gone up. Everything has gone up, the cost of things has gone up. The cost of food has gone up. The cost of a lot of things that we need has gone up already." Read more

The House of Representatives just passed the Raise the Wage Act, a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour incrementally over the course of six years.


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