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Steve Hilton: Why Beto O'Rourke Is A Real Danger


Launching his presidential campaign in Vanity Fair magazine last week, Robert "Beto" O'Rourke explained his message this way: "Every word was pulled out of me. Like, by some greater force, which was just the people there. Everything that I said, I was, like, watching myself, being like, 'How am I saying this stuff? Where is this coming from?'"

Where's it coming from Beto? Let me put it this way: Never in American politics has there been a more appropriate launchpad for a presidential bid than your profile in Vanity Fair. And as a public service, we'll explain to America just how vain you are, why you have so little to be vain about and why that's dangerous for America.

Vanity is Beto's defining characteristic. He thinks we want to see him at the dentist. He thinks we want to know about the "funk" he was in after he lost his Senate race last year. He thinks we want to know everything about him -- except his actual policies. Read more


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