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Surprising Number of Babies Surviving Botched Abortions


The horrifying details of a Louisiana woman’s botched abortion at a clinic in Baton Rouge are one reason “born alive” laws are making headlines again.

‘It is a Baby’: Prolific Abortionist Admits He is Killing a Human Child

On March 15, the woman went in for an abortion and ended up being sent to a local hospital to have emergency surgery and a hysterectomy, following the botched abortion, according to a report by WAFB 9.

“It is atrocious that the Delta abortion clinic failed to even have basic medical supplies, such as IV fluids, on-site to stabilize this patient during an emergency,” Benjamin Clapper, the Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director said.

Unfortunately, this case is not a one-off issue.

According to Fox News, forty babies were born alive following botched abortions in three states alone since 2016.

In June, Minnesota reported that 11 infants were born following botched abortions since 2016. Likewise, Arizona also reported that the state had a total of ten born alive babies in 2017, and Florida had nineteen since 2017. Read more


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